Monday 3 March 2008

just like any other day

Today wasnt a very happening day I must say. After class some of us went to this pseudo macdonald place in school called 清青快餐 qing qing kuai chan. Which sold fast food almost similar to that of macdonalds at a much cheaper price. They even have a wider selection which consisted of local treats as you can see from the picture.

For those who arent chinese or failed products of the singapore chinese education system, I shall give u a transalation for each item sold.
1. Fried Prawn Patty 2. Calamari Rings 3. Octopus pie Hamburger
4. Fried Cod Pieces 5. Yam Pie 6. Red Bean Pie
So if you wanna convert to SGD, just divide it by 5 for an approximate figure. Cheap right! My set meal cost me 13yuan :)

During one of my class, philosophy was supposed to be covered. The teacher spoke about Charles Robert Darwin whom as we all refer as the founder of the theory of evolution. The teacher then digressed from the main subject and went on to speak how we should put focus in our studies and the importance of it. She then quoted Charles Darwin in chinese.

"时间就像海绵里的水,只要去挤,总会有的" - Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
Time is just like water in a sponge, if you squeeze it there definitely will be time"

So clearly she was proselytising us from perpetual "hard core procrastinators" to "on the ball, focused individuals". Not waiting for something to happen but Carpe Diem. It was a very interesting lesson where the teacher would keep asking us questions so that we will speak up. Hence, making the class more engaging and not making us fall asleep from the early morning lesson

For dinner tonight, I went to eat a pizza place in school. YES school has a pizza place! which sells just average pizza but at a reasonable price, a pizze 6" costs S$6 and a glass of coke is S$0.40. The picture above isnt from the school's pizza place but at a pizza restaurant near carrefour in beijing. As you can see, the sign says 39yuan pizza buffet and it was. But the buffet did not just serve pizzas but numerous western food as you can see. Ranging from nuggets, spaghetti, salad, pizzas (DUH), drinks, ice cream, beer (yeah what the hell) and more. Just see the picture! Which was super worth it and I ate till I almost died. Most definitely the best value meal that I have eaten here and taste pretty nice (from all the other horrors I have let entering my mouth). Yeah people get hungry from the pictures.
Anyway, here is the 大长今 da chang jin restaurant which is the gimmick of that popular korean drama. I am not too sure whether there is one back home so decided to post this picture up since there are hoardes of women crazy of korea stuff in singapore.
This place is perfect for skanks like tiffany ng who would die for a korean................................
meal. ermmm yeah meal =)


Anonymous said...



why is everything so damn cheap!!! =(

Anonymous said...

sounds like u right